"Sometimes a neighbouring field, or even a distant one, can consciously or subconsciously distract you from the main field that you love, in which you are a professional or to which you are currently devoting most of your attention. During the course of the distraction you may realize that this “other” field becomes your main work and focus; something that you had considered just a side interest or hobby has swept you up in its embrace, you’ve been seduced by it, you live with its love, and even if you haven’t completely forgotten all your past lovers (genuine love is never forgotten!), your attention towards them is decreased. To use another illustration, if you have not one but several lovers, when you grow tired of one of them, you can go to another one; you are always with a lover and always busy, but it feels like you are resting as well (please interpret this as a metaphor, not as a moral statement). If you continue this type of pattern all your life, good for you! You will see and accomplish many things." Hamlet Isakhanli
Dramatis Personae
- Daniel Scarfò
- Filopolímata y explorador de vidas más poéticas, ha sido traductor, escritor, editor, director de museos, músico, cantante, tenista y bailarín de tango danzando cosmopolita entre las ciencias y las humanidades. Doctor en Filosofía (Spanish and Portuguese, Yale University) y Licenciado y Profesor en Sociología (Universidad de Buenos Aires). Estudió asimismo Literatura Comparada en la Universidad de Puerto Rico y Estudios Portugueses en la Universidad de Lisboa. Vivió también en Brasil y enseñó en universidades de Argentina, Canadá y E.E.U.U.
Blackhole (Novela)
Cantando en casa
Cartas de recomendación
Conferencias dictadas
Cultura y Sociedad
Cursos dictados
El árbol del conocimiento
Escritos de mi madre
Frase del día
Libros a publicar
Literatura Comparada
Literatura Latinoamericana
Literaturas imposibles
Medios y Estudios de Comunicación
Mi proyecto
Mis artículos
Mis cuentos
Mis ensayos
Mis manifiestos
Mis notas
Mis poemas
Mis reseñas
Notas sobre mí
Polímatas del día
Teoría Literaria
domingo, 26 de noviembre de 2023
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